
“Compliance is known more and more every year”

Since 2012, Julia Romashkina has been in charge of the “Unified Compliance System” at MTS Group, the largest mobile operator in Russia and the CIS region. We talked with her about her duties and activities at MTS as well as compliance culture in Russia in general. 
Von Mag. Klaus Putzer
04. März 2019 / Erschienen in Compliance Praxis 1/2019, S. 42
Im Interview In June 2012, Julia Romashkina was appointed Chief Compliance Officer at MTS Group, responsible for the implementation of an anti-corruption and business-ethics compliance program. Julia graduated from Moscow State Linguistic University. In 1995, she received an MBA in economics from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the California State University. She holds a certification in business accounting from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), London, and an int...


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